
the photo that explain it all !!

The one who have that nothing in life is for free, he obviously didn't have a vagina !! Cheers  

لن ندفع

في لبنان، وضع انتاج الطاقة، والقصة الكاملة المتعلّقة بشركة الكهرباء اللبنانية، قد تعدّت حدود المنطق الاجتماعي والمفهوم المعيشي، وهذا منذ زمن بعيد. لقد انقضى على إيقاف الحرب في لبنان، والتي كلّفت البلد أكثر من الحرب الضروس ذاتها التي حلّت عليه، اثني وعشرون عاماً. غير ان الحرب، بمقوماتها وتعابيرها وواقعها ووساختها هي ابعد مما تكون منتهية، وما ربحت تتغلغل في الجسم الإجتماعي اللبناني الهش، حتى العظم. يبدو هذا الواقع جليّ بمظاهر الإنقسام الطائفي والمذهبي الحاصل بالدرجة الأولى، واستزلام اللبنانيين، بكل أطيافهم، الأعمى والأرعن، لقوى الأمر الواقع، لأمراء الحرب الأسبقين، بالدرجة الثانية. ما يجعل منا فقط رهينة واقع مرير لا حول فيه لنا ولا قوة. من المؤكد اننا لا يمكننا تحميل المسؤولية كاملة لأحد ممن توالوا على إدارة الأمور في وزارة الطاقة على مرّ الزمن. فمنهم ما كانت لديه النيّة الطيّبة ولكن لم يكن بإمكانه التخطيط في ظلّ وصاية اللصوص. منهم من مني بالظروف المؤاتية لفرض خطّة تتطويرية، فانقضّى عليهم المغرضين فتفوّقوا وسحقوا آمالهم، وحافظوا على مصالحهم التي تقضي بسرقة أموال الناس وإذلال...

Quotation by Ray Bradbury

" Any owner of cats will know of what I speak. Cats come at dawn to sit on your bed. They may not nip your nose or inhale your breath or make a sound. They simply sit there and stare at you until you open one eyelid and spy them there about to drop dead for need of feeding. So it is with ideas. They come silently in the hour of trying to wake up and remember my name. The notions and fancies sit on the edge of my wits, whisper in my ears and then, if I don't rouse, give more than cats give: a good knock in the head, which gets me out and down to my typewriter before the ideas flee or die or both. In any event, I make the ideas come to me. I do not go to them. I provoke their patience by pretending disregard. This infuriates the latent creature until it is almost raving to be born and once born, nourished."  Ray Bradbury (b. 1920), U.S. author. Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Questions, preface, Capra Press (1991).

Germany and Israel's 'special relationship'

Published by the BBC: As though to allay German unease, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took the trouble to give an interview to the editors of the Bild newspaper this week - he talked through its pages directly to the German people. He said about Chancellor Merkel: "I take her commitment to Israel very seriously. There is a commitment to Israel's security that is exemplified by the recent sale of another German submarine, an important adjunct to our national security, so I believe this is all real and tangible. "But as far as Israel's defenses, we have never asked for other countries to come and physically defend us." He added: "While I appreciate Germany's concern for Israel's security the most important assistance that can be given to Israel is - to paraphrase Churchill - to give us the tools and we will do the job of defending ourselves."-- i don't understand how a third nuclear strike capability, in a regio...

Central Jerusalem for migrant Africans!!

Broadcast by BBC:  Four African migrants are hurt in a suspected arson attack on their home in central Jerusalem. - is this shit for real!! they abuse and threw Palestinians claiming the promise land is for the Jews of Israel solely, than, they bring migrants from Africa giving them "homes" in central Jerusalem only to abuse them later on racism bases. Ironic, Absurd and pretty fucked up!!  PS: we don't need Assad regime to fix this situation !! finally something i'm confident of.

Palestinian Hunger Strikers in ‘Immediate Danger of Death’

The report below is published through emails by the PWWSD association, it is very important to be propagated: The Palestinian Working Women’s Society for Development would like to express its extreme concern regarding the fate of over 1500 Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli prisons. Two men, Bilal Diyab and Tha’er Halahla, are currently in immediate danger of death following their 73 rd day of hunger strike against the Israeli government practice of administrative detention. Under administrative detention, detainees can be held by the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) in Israeli prisons for 3 months at a time without charge or trial, and with indefinite renewal of the detention after 3 month periods. On Monday the 7 th May the Israeli supreme court rejected appeals by the two men against their administrative detention, citing a need for further review of secret evidence held against them, as act  described as a ‘death sentence’ by Physicians for Human...

دركي بعكس السير

في يوم من أيام الحرّ الشديد الذي يخترق الأجواء اللبنانية في فترات الصيف، كنت سائراً في إحدى شوارع الحمرا في بيروت و العرق يتصبب عن جبيني، متململاً متعكّر المزاج، قاضب الحاجبين، جلّ ما أريد هو أن أصل إلى بيتي في ضواحي المتن لكي أتناول الغذاء وأنام قليلاً لأنزع عن منكابيّ ضجيج النهار وحافلته رغم إن الضجيج لا ينقطع حتى داخل جدران منزلي. و إذ، على مقربة من   كنيسة السيدة في وسط شارع المكحول، منظراً مألوفاً متميّزاً يُستَعرض أمام مقلتيّ. لعلها اشارة من الله ليبعث في قلبي القليل من الإبتهاج، لإني لطالما كنت ميّالاً الى الترسيم الفكاهي خصوصاً للمناظر الأكثر دراماتيكيّة. ما أَلفَ من هذا المنظر هي الدراجة النارية الآتية بعكس السير، متّجهة نحو شارع عبد العزيز بالرغم من التميّز وسخرية هذا الحدث كون سائق الدراجة هو شرطي سير، غير أن هذه الحالة ما زالت تحتفظ في بلدنا الحبيب صفة "المألوف". سأشرح لكم ما رأيت بإسهاب لعليّ أبرز لكم السبب الذي جعلني مبتهج لما تبقى من نهاري في حين، فشل أغلى الناس على قلبي  منحي هذا الشعور: شرطي في العقد الثالث من العمر مربوع القامة م...

Assad Regime is Israel best interests !

For now, the U.S. and its allies are biding their time, because they see no good options. The European Union, for example,  has dropped its demand that Assad must go .  As author and activist Gilbert Achcar put it : " The truth is that one of the major reasons for the skepticism and reluctance shown in practice by the Western countries towards the Syrian situation is the fear that the fall of Assad would lead to an outcome that would be worse for Western interests and Israel."

Migrant Worker, Not a slave (Singapore)

Singapore’s Manpower Ministry recently announced that the country’s domestic workers – women who work as live-in nannies or housekeepers – will be granted one day of rest each week. Singapore’s families employ about 206,000 domestic workers, primarily from Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and India. Before this change, employers were only required to grant their domestic workers one day off per month. This weekly day free from work is critical for domestic workers’ physical and mental well-being. But we want Singapore’s laws protecting domestic workers to be even stronger. This reform, for example, only pertains to contracts that go into effect beginning in January, 2013 and does not address other key labor rights, such as limits to working hours. We’re calling for the government to apply this change to all domestic workers, no matter when they started their job, and to allow domestic workers to benefit from basic rights under the labor law, giving them the same prot...

خبر عاجل

خبر عاجل  بعدما احتلّ فيلم الزهرة والقنّاس للدكتور سمير جعجع المرتبة الاولى واصبح على كل لسان تقرر اعادة انتاج فيلم " الهروب بالبجامة " لميشال عون لدعم حملة " تذكّر تاريخك" من اجل التوعية العامة. و شكراً