On The Palestinian Injustice - A Little Reminder During The Catastrophic War In Ukraine
In May 2021, Louis Charbonneau a United Nations Director, published in the Foreign Policy Focus on How the UN can help end Israeli Apartheid and persecution ; It was one of the most vocally direct condemnations of the Israeli occupation and the atrocities they are committing day in and day out, violating human rights all over the chart. It was surprising for me to read direct messages, holding the Israeli government the responsibilities for Palestinian suffering, an alien declaration from UN officials. Surprising statements were: "The world should stop pretending that these crimes aren’t happening. It should also not tolerate depriving millions of Palestinians of their fundamental rights in order to preserve the possibility of a peace deal that isn’t coming anytime soon." he continues with " The crime requires three elements: an intention to maintain a system of domination, systematic oppression, and inhumane acts committed as part of that project." " Hum...