A morning thought - gratefulness

Though it was the worst year of my life, I can still see the positive things that happened to me, on a personal and professional level. This year, I had the chance to take part in wonderful events and traveled twice to western countries, London during August and the USA/Maryland Baltimore during October and November.

At work, my team organized countless training, camps, and activities during this year, that gathered people from different sides of the globe. it was exciting for me to witness cultural bridges being shaped, dialogue and friendship in the making between people that have absolutely nothing in common, except humor, love, and humanity.

Even now, at the moment I'm writing this blog, my colleagues arranged a workshop for humanitarian workers on conserving wellbeing in the distressful environment. most of the participants are from Syria. for the last two days, I'm having a wonderful time interacting with them.

For these little blessings, I'm grateful 

For the first time in my life, I feel partially satisfied and partially proud of what I do. I hope I will have the chance to continue my work and evolve.


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