
Showing posts from 2016

Fake Independence, failed state, failed democracy

In the 73rd memorial of the Lebanese Independence Day, still, a deep surge of wonder and uncertainty circulate my shallow conception about the country I was born, raised and reborn many times into. A question mark keeps lingering in my head while no definite answer can be reached. Is Lebanon as we know it today, deserve to be an entity inclusive to all its indigenous residents? I was born in 1981, a considerably dangerous year to be alive, or at least to be aware in Lebanon. As it was mentioned on my ID, my residential birth was the nearest hospital possible to the shelter where my parents used to take cover. Up until my 9th birthday, most of my childhood memories were made either in shelters or in a 5 Km radius away from. The crystal clear images in my head remained from the year 1990, when I had my first communion and the battles between the Christian faction “Lebanese Forces” and the Lebanese army. I remember the shelling, I remember death, I remember the voices o...

Elie Marouny - Questions Over His Stupid Gaff

Regarding the unlawfully Parliamentarian Elie Marouny comment on the role that women play in leading men into rape. A couple of questions should be asked to the parliamentarian, in order to approach the campaign building up against him subjectively: What is the sexual desire that might intrigue him to rape a woman ? If such sexual desire exist in his mind  and he or any other man did the action of rape upon this trigger, shall the rape be justified than ? Wait a minute. This is the "rape" definition in the dictionary:  unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim. DO WE AGREE ON THE SAME DEFINITION ? I personally consider that Elie Marouny committed a stupid gaff over a crucial issue Lebanese women are fighting for and didn't have enough ...

لهذا، كان الإمام الصدر عظيماً

في الذكرى ال38 لتغييب الإمام موسى الصدر يحكى عن بائع المثلجات المسيحي العتيق في صور، الذي لجأ الى الإمام الصدر بعدما بدأ يعاني من ضائقة مادية، سببها مقاطعة المسلمين له في تلك المنطقة، بعد افتتاح محل لبائع آخر للمثلجات في جواره من الطائفة المسلمة. في احد الأيام، بعد صلاة الجمعة، توجه الامام الصدر مع مرافقيه وعدد من المصلّين الى محلة البائع المسيحي واكلوا المثلجات عنده. لم تكن تلك البادرة تمثيلية تعايش وطني وما شابه الاقاويل التي تلوث اذاننا عن الوحدة والاخوة بين الطوائف في لبنان وشاكلاتها من الأدبيات الخشبية الكاذبة. ارادها الامام رسالة الى اهل بيته والى العالم بأجمعه بأنه اولاً يحب المثلجات، وثانياً يحب الانسان كما خلقه الله وليس كما صبغه المجتمع . عظمة الانسان ليس بالشعر الذي يمدح أعماله ويهديه صفة البطولة عن حق او عن غير حق. عظمة الانسان ليس في تأليه غير مجدي وغير واقعي وملوث بمصالح وغايات. عظمة الانسان هي بالأعمال الصغيرة التي يتحدى بها كل المعايير، حتى ولو انبثقة عن بيئته ومجتمعه . لهذا، كان الإمام الصدر عظيماً !

Amran is alive - thank god

Amran Picture from the media outlets The whole world was disturbed when Amran picture caught the eyes. Everybody felt heart aching pain for that it is a very excruciating thing to see.  The matter of fact, when I saw Amran picture I was happy, I was happy for him being alive !! Nobody care about war zone atrocities. All of us are busy with our lives and nothing else matter for us. Suddenly we see a picture and we feel deeply disturbed ! Humans are such an Hippocratic creatures

There is a crack, a crack in everything

Leonard Cohen Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack, a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in.