
Showing posts from 2013

20 Salon Francophone du Livre de Beyrouth 2013

UN AN Une Installation de Mazen Kerbaj En 2012 Mazen Kerbaj s'est lancé le défi de faire un dessin par jour sur un agenda bon marché. Le résultat: 382 dessins utilisant les techniques les plus variées (encre, aquarelle, fusain, feutres...)  et traitant de sujets aussi divers que les tournées musicales à l'étranger, les soirées interminables dans les bars de Beyrouth, les concerts, la guerre civile en Syrie, les "incidents" au Liban, la vie de famille, les affres du travail en "freelance" et jusqu'au ras-le-bol du projet lui-même.

Asmatullah Shaheen - The interim chief of Taliban

Asmatullah Shaheen The interim chief of Taliban As one of the Pushtu girls put it "not as good looking as Hakimullah Mehsud" I Say, he look ridiculously funny to be even one of the Taliban !?

General Wesley Clark cross cutting with Jonathan Schell

while reading the Book of Jonathan Schell, the Seventh Decade, the New Shape of Nuclear Danger, numerous cross cutting observations, in relation to General Wesley Clark, were made. the below is a small sample of these observations: "This new ambition was crystallized in a document that won brief notoriety and then, when Bush Sr. lost his bid for a second term, was forgotten. Its importance for the present is that it outlined a scheme for global dominance a decade before September 11, 2011. its sponsor was Cheney and its draftsman was Zalmay Khalilzad, who would become ambassador to Afghanistan in 2003 and of Iraq in 2005. The draft stated, "the number one objective of U.S.'s post-cold war political and military strategy should be preventing the emergence of a rival superpower. Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival." even strong regional powers should be suppressed, especially in areas "whose resources would, under consolida...

Jonathan Schell - the new shape of nuclear danger

if you don't want to read the book "The seven decade - the new shape of nuclear danger", you can watch the interview. it is very informative and fulfilling

From the book: "the seven decade, the new shape of nuclear danger"

it is in the nature of the rule of law that it establishes a single standard for all parties. it is in the nature of imperial power (which must possess "unchallenged" might) and another for the ruled (those restricted to "trade and other pursuits of peace") indeed, a double standard is required by any form of rule by force: those who hold the sword prescribe the law but are not under it, whereas those against whom the sword is wielded must obey the law but can have no part in making it

كلام الحق يقال

"ان الناس في الحروب تضع كمامات ضد الغازات السامة. أغبياء. السّم الأكبر والأكثر انتشاراً ليس كيميائياً. انه الجنون الذي يصيب العموم ويسوّي أرواح الناس بأرواح الذباب، ويجعل السلوك بين البشر مثل السلوك بين البعوض ....." سمير عطالله  من مقاله اليوم في النهار